cresto phango!

went to the movies

2002-11-01, 12:08 a.m.

I went to the movies and i wanted to forget. i wanted Johny Knoxville to make me stupid like him. I wanted to lave the theater and not see things like i do.. and the way i want to see you. youyouyouyouyouyou... like the sound of the train tac-tacing in my head--- tac-tac-tic. then i get in the car and hear the song that makes my neck hairs do jumping jacks like track stars. the emptry pipe in my mouth keeps me silent and resilient because Aaron and Leigh are holding hands.

Puffpuffpuff is the air in my pipe.

Sitting here i want more than... to talk to her, but i know she ont be on. he clicks so often to see her name in black, not italic green like jill or joe. he wants her to know so much that he cant tell her because he knows she will read and she will like it and it will make him sad

but more--

than right--


he guesses no because right now his heart is sagging below his feet. oh walls like an old mans back.... light like myopia re-born... background souns smashing his hair.

and now i want to write about other things... and i could. i could write about english... blahblahblah... or my thoughts on bush... bleeebleebloo.

ask me this: does english class make me look around everyone and want to see its face? does George Bush dizzy my vision and embarass my deepest thoughts..hmm buy pasely ties and argile socks, complement it with switchblade fury and some drinking