cresto phango!

ode to a monkey

2005-05-29, 7:54 p.m.

im driving home, remembering last night, and i see the continents of dirt caked onto the asphalt ocean below.
i could stop laughing, but that would only make life funnier. this tree is funny. that water fountain is funny. the cartwheels, the staring, skipping, punching, yelling, quiet; these are the funniest things ive ever seen.
even my sadness is laughable, gut wrenching and dizzying giggles sprout to the surface of my throat... this is intolerable cruelty to emotions. this is the pamphlet for insomniac awareness in the afterlife. i am the unoiled wheel that
grates at your ears.

now im back in my car, sun is choking down my rear view mirror with a glass of
wind. nothing around me is boring, this is a golden play set in the garden of the gods. i am not lonely now, but i think about what others say, you need other humans to survive, you need the sumaritan, and you need the criminal.