cresto phango!

jesus has a talk show

2004-10-18, 11:37 p.m.

i am standing in this room i built, no blueprints or schematics that could house logic or function. every wall dotted with light switches, pacing up and down like a heart beat __---_--_ and i need to find something to slit the throat of night. the pitter patter of my fingers flipping the switch . on > on. > on. no light to be found coming from the lamp by by desk (it must be in the dark to the idea of switches carrying refugee electrons across the border of waring metal plates.)

so i sit, unfettered by the harsh waves of light that crash on us throughout the day, but i see nowhere, and i have no aim; wanderlust. thats it, i have been given too many maps to too many locals, advertisments soliciting me for money, but never offering a damn thing, transitory hope and a small service, followed by a goodbye mint and a reflective magnet to put up so i can prove i really went there.
Gimme a lift, will you? put out your hand and ask if i would like to join, because i just cant see the worth in being an instigator this time around. (before i take it out, ill put it here): in heaven, there is a giant rock where penguins and peacocks play together. i could sit on the top and watch the penguins sliding down the rocks into the icy blue water while the peacocks floated just above the surface. when the feathers touched the water there would be a sudden shiver in the water and the blue would turn into shades of green and gold.