cresto phango!

the trees have gotten shorter since i last saw them

2004-05-16, 4:23 p.m.

so today i went to the golf course i used to work at in Monte Rio, and it was sobering. somewhere i lost the connection to those people, who watched my grow a foot, and watched me gather what golfing skills i have today. they ask me 'where have you been?!' and i dont really have an answer, i dont have answers to any questions that people ask me right now. it's like how i felt 6 months ago, when i couldnt pinpoint a single 'emotion' so i concluded i didnt really have any; not to say that i became a stoic.

on these lines, i used to hear a voice, or i used to know an audience, but the tent is empty and collapsed, with my red megaphone shattered and broken, i will find a new place to yell out soon enough, just not today.