cresto phango!

spring is 80 degrees with a canary yellow sun

2004-03-07, 6:02 p.m.

blinking sunset through the trees, under the visor.

hum drum of tire on the cooling asphalt, mixing with the whir of engine noises somewhere in front of my feet.

the lukewarm air cascading through the vent, crashing into my legs.

familiar noises, familiar scents, and temperatures, its so amazing that i really am living things new every second of my waking life. it's sometimes like stepping off the field and watching the other players, moving around with chaotic fervor, and i realize the choices are continual, and endless. how would you step back in? with an explosion of thought, stealing away the limelight because you simply knew you could? or sneak back on, unseen, and unperterbed by your prior timeout?

stepping in is the action that starts your life over and over and over