cresto phango!


2003-09-16, 11:33 p.m.

separated into two parts:

for audrey, whose comment was aimed at me, because i had told oreo to learn to watch the birds on the ground before the ones in the air. funny that one person could URGE another to soar at any cost, because walking leads nowhere... but you take the pleasure of breaking the wings (or trying to) of the birds around you who tried to fly. being one of your attempts, the effects are short lived and, yes, i was warned; was the mockingbird warned by the humming telephone lines? whispering a killers intentions. do not ever talk to me, do not ever respond to me, because you have warn your blood thin from disdain and improper care of such a wonderful body; it is yours alone, audrey.

for the girl whose eyes i stare into for a peak into the center of warmth, the core of the earth: words and words, three words with no other set that could compare, they are stitched into your hair and into your ear. that is where i stand, on the solid ground, an island of three sylables, but i am not shipwrecked. no other land would dance with the island, like the girl in the white dress at prom (you were intimidating like her, i could never have asked you to dance).