cresto phango!


2003-02-14, 1:08 a.m.

well that was a great trip, if you are wondering why i havent updated in a while then i will tell you. I WAS IN THE LAND OF THE FURRY DINGONOSORAUS. If you dont know where that is then maybe you should brush up on your geography so i will move on. The host family was awesome and they did nothing in the way of following through with the maditory eunich that visitors must go through (thank you so much mr. and mrs. Inglestadinsteinsonov).

i was gone for about two weeks and i did SO much that i am not sure i could put it all on paper, good thing i have a very very small pen and the worlds largest piece of papaya paper to write on. Look out for the story in bookstores, i think im gonna name the book "My travels in a skinny land"

(i have to go)