cresto phango!


2004-11-02, 12:14 a.m.

i dont know what to believe about any other persons perceptions anymore. maybe they all have tinted spectacles, passed out in a line that was far too long for me to enter. the eyes are dragging along my desktop landscape like a typewriter, jittery clacking followed by a thrashing jump to the left, the cycle continues indefinitely.

im asking for you to think as though ther world really is only two colors (or the lack there of), and pick a side to stand on. there is no conservative in this place, just liberal or radically liberal. there is no night or day, its just two diametrically opposed ticks on a grandfather clock. thats what always got me, because your clock does not chime for midnight, or for mid day, there is a stealthy movement of the second hand along the morse code map that it travels.

i chew apart a toothpick, and i let the shards move about inside my mouth, capsizing on my back molaars, shoring up on the beach of my gum line. the best view right now is anywhere down, i can see when my shoes become untied and i can try to count the steps between the pot holes i always step in. only an athiest could know how i feel right now.