cresto phango!

2 am and im on the corner of Hearn and Corby

2004-09-18, 2:07 a.m.

dont mind the car, its smoking and the engine is dying, not three feet from my sweating palms.

dont mind the cracks of red splitting up your eyes, they can only mean sleep, and sleep is where everything disappears.

you are a deadly apparition, when i am moving, you are following the force of inertia. when i am standing still, you are walking into my room and you are wearing all the things you said you owned. the jigsaw games that i play in my head, a centerfold ripped to pieces on the garage floor, left for someone to rearrange with time and some scotch tape.

she said she would like to see me next week, because she thinks im depressed, but when i looked at her computer i realized that a diagnosis is like a multiple choice answer, and you dont need to show your work to get an acceptable answer.