cresto phango!

walking throught the art gallery

2004-05-25, 11:36 a.m.

so i was at this art gallery on sunday, and i was walking around this one painting in particular. It was an oil painting of a bird singing on a tree branch, with its beak fully opened and its eyes set skyward. I was just looking around the canvas when this old man comes over to my right and says "have you ever seen a bird singing like that?" I hadn't really, but i told him i do love the sound of a mockingbird, he continued "it's like they are trying to release their souls as they sing" he brought his arms out wide and shot out his chest in mimicry of that bird who is derporting his innards, "and the ones on a phone wire will jump into the air as they sing, and come back to the wire, have you seen that too?"

i was taken aback by his poetic display and right away i wanted to ask him so many questions, but he went into the door right next to the painting, then i heared a disgusting coughing fit from the same old man; it was perfect. it was a 'fuck you' to the kitsch idea of an old man who had seen the world many times over and was unquestioningly wise, therefore perfect. NO, he was an old man, that's all.

that made my day