cresto phango!

bird of prey, take me on your fly

2003-01-28, 6:21 p.m.

its so fucking beautiful, the sunset; my money is another persons problem right now. the intricately woven pattern of pink and red in the clouds, resting on a golden cloth, laid out in a brightly flowered backyard; my credit card is another element, a foreign object from another planet.

the concrete is blushing pink, i drive over rosy cheeks continually, ryhthmically, into the pereptarator of romance and poetry. even if you had only seen the sky in the reflected eye of a car window, you could weep.

neck muscles relax, bringing on thoughts which didnt occur to me/// oh, that must be the reason that people numb their eyes with media screensavers. the repetitive equation, the cunundrumm of captital, and the hysteric function of robatussin highs, i would rather seep into depressed awareness than to find myself comfortably numb